Credit Repair Services


At Kimbrew Consulting, we are dedicated to helping individuals like you take charge of their personal credit. With our expertise and personalized guidance, we provide comprehensive solutions tailored to you.

Our Methods Of Credit Repair

Analyze Credit Report

We will analyze your credit report with you to identify any suspicious accounts that are hurting your credit score. We will also come up with an individual plan of action just for you.

Provide You With A List Of Credit Builder Accounts

We will utilize all of the available options for building up your credit with positive accounts while we are disputing.

Dispute Any And All Inaccuracies

We will dispute all inaccuracies and negative accounts on your credit report using various methods, including using factual disputing and consumer laws to knock off all negative accounts.

Build Good Credit Habits

We will coach you how to have smart credit habits to maintain your great credit for long term success.

Schedule Your Free Credit Consultation

At Kimbrew Consulting, we're on your side, ready to fight for your credit success! In our FREE consultation, we'll leave no stone unturned. Our experts will meticulously analyze your credit report, line by line, to uncover any inaccuracies or errors. Armed with this vital information and our aggressive disputing process. We'll dispute the damaging accounts and work tirelessly to improve your credit profile. Let us be your champions in this credit repair journey together. We'll pave the way for a brighter financial future for you! LET US FIGHT FOR YOU! Schedule your FREE CONSULTATION below.

Amber K.

This has helped me so much, now i can get the house i want since all my collections are off my credit report. Thank you so much for this new start i now have in life.

Sammie M.

I am so thankful that i found you guys, this process has been so fast and smooth. Eugene has answered any questions that I've ever had and he advised me on all the right things to do while they were fixing my credit. Such a simple process, i highly recommend

Happy clients


Have any questions?

If you have any questions about the credit repair process, feel free to contact us.